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Materials for electronic indusry /

Super Pure Copper Ultrafine Nano Powder 99,999%

We can offer high quality super pure copper nano powder.

COPPER POWDER ULTRAFINE Lot #M35, Net Weight 520 kg
13 Boxes (##13-25) per 40 kg, 20 PET Containers per 2 kg in each box
The determination of atomic fractions was made by Spark Source Mass Spectrometry. The JMS- 01-BM2 double focusing mass spectrometer manufactured by JEOL (Japan) was applied. The high resolution mass spectra were photographed on Ilford-Q plates. Joyce Loeble (United Kingdom) MDM6 microdensitometer and NOVA 4 (USA) on-line minicomputer were used for the mass spectrum lines identification. Quantity estimation was calculated by original MS Lab software. The relative standard deviation is 0.01-0.05 for isotope abundance measuring.

Grain size 17-19 microns.

The results are presented in atomic percent.


Super Pure Copper Ultrafine Nano Powder 99,99% Super Pure Copper Ultrafine Nano Powder 99,99%Super Pure Copper Ultrafine Nano Powder 99,99%

Pure Copper Ultrafine Nano Powder

TU 1793-001-74350164-2005
The isotope composition is Cu-63 = 69.09 ± 0.05%, Cu-65 = 30.91 ± 0.03%
The content in copper powder is 99.999% (color is red-brown)
PET container per 2kg
Transported by all possible species without restrictions

Element ppm Element ppm Element PPm
H ND Zn < 0.2 Pr <0.05
Li <0.01 Ga <0.1 Nd <0.1
Be <0.001 Ge <0.2 Sm <0.09
R <0.01 As o J> Eu <0.08
c ND Se <0.3 Gd <0.08
N ND Br <0.1 Tb <0.06
0 ND Rb <0.1 Dy <0.08
F 6 St <0.1 Ho <0.04
Na 40 Y <0.05 Er <0.07
Mg <0.05 Zr <0.1 Tm <0.05
Ai 10 Nb <0.3 Yb < 0.08
Si 4 Mo <0.1 Lu <0.06
P 0.5 Ru <0.2 Hf <0.07
S 30 Rli <0.1 Ta <0.05
Cl 60 Pd <0.3 W <0.1
K 10 Ag 10 Re <0.2
Ca 3 Cd <0.1 Os <0.5
Sc <0.1 In <0.02 Ir <0.07
Ti 0.2 Sn <0.2 Pt <0.1
V <0.05 Sb 2 Au <0.2
Cr 0.2 Te <0.4 Hg <0.4
Mn <0.1 i <0.1 Tl <0.1
Fe 8 Cs <0.1 Pb 0.7
Co <0.05 Ba <0.2 Bi <0.2
Ni <0.05 La <0.1 Th <0.1
Cu MATRIX Ce <0.2 U <0.1