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Materials for electronic indusry /

Nickel Wire "DKPNT 0.025 KT"

Sample 112-NP143

Sum of impurities in Sample of Nickel Wire (Mg, Si, P, S, Mn, Fc, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Sn, Sb, Pb: Bi.) is no more than 0.03 %wt.
The purity grade of Sample of Nickel Wire is 99.97 % wt. It was calculated as difference between 100 % and Sum of Impurities.

List of impurities corresponds on Customer order.
Sample of Nickel Wire is radiological safe. The specific natural radioactivity of Sample of Nickel Wire is no more than 1.1 O'11 Ci/g.
Sampling was made by customer.
The Report of Impurities Determination #19429.17

Nickel Wire

Element ppm Element ppm Element PPm
H ND Zn 1 Pr <0.1
Li <0.01 Ga <0.05 Nd <0.1
Be <0.01 Ge <0.05 Sin <0.1
B 0.5 As 30 Eli <0.1
C 100 Se 3 Gd <0.1
N ND Br <0.05 Tb <0.1
0 ND Rb <0.05 Dy <0.1
F 2 Sr <0.05 Flo <0.1
Na 1 Y <0.05 Er <0.1
Mg 5 Zr <0.05 Tm <0.1
Al 10 Nb <0.05 Yb <0.1
Si 10 Mo <0.05 Lu <0.1
P 5 Ru <0.05 nf <0.2
S 10 Rh <0.05 Ta <0.2
Cl 2 Pd <0.05 W <0.2
K 5 Ag <0.05 Rc <0.2
Ca 3 Cd <0.05 Os <0.2
Sc <0.01 In <0.05 Ir <0.2
Ti 400 Sn <0.05 pt <0.2
V 0.2 Sb <0.05 Au <0.2
Cr 4 Te <0.1 Hg <0.2
Mn 9 I <0.1 Tl <0.2
Fe 170 Cs <0.1 Pb 5
Co 20 Ba <0.1 Bi <0.2
Ni MATRIX La <0.1 Th <0.2
Cu 50 Ce <0.1 U <0.2