Board-to-Board connectors, pin headers and sockets
Pin headers (pin connectors) are manufactured at the factory in the form of lines with an incised insulator on 1, 2, 3 or 4 rows for the maximum number of contacts in a row (40 or 50 contacts in a row depending on the series).
Then they can be cut manually by the customer or on a special device at the request of the customer for the required number of contacts. The cost of cutting on the device only slightly increases the price of a single contact, but the cut is almost perfect, without chipping at the ends, and the customer does not spend time on work that is easily performed by the machine.
Sockets for pin headers are made by casting immediately on the desired number of contacts.
The range delivered by us is much wider, than presented by other suppliers in series:
PLS, PLS2, PLSR, PLSR2, PLL1.27, PLL1.27R, PLL1.27S, PLD, PLD2, PLDR, PLDR2, PLDS, PLLD1.27, PLLD1.27R, PLLD1.27S, PBS, PBS2, PBSR, PBSR2, PBL1.27 (PBS1.27), PBL1.27R (PBS1.27R), PBL1.27S (PBS1.27S), PBD, PBD-S, PBD2, PBD-R, PBDR2, PBD1.27 (PBD1.27S), BLS, BLS2, BLD, BLD2, PLH, PLH-R, PLH-S, PLH2, PLLH1.27, PLLH1.27S), PLHD, PLHD-R, PLHD-S, PLHD2, PLLHD1.27, PLLHD1.27S
Manufacture of connectors at the factory in China video-1 video-2
0,80x1,20 mm (Pitch between pins in one row 0,80 mm; Pitch between rows 1,20 mm for double row) |
1,00x1,00 mm (Pitch between pins in one row 1,00 mm; Pitch between rows 1,00 mm for double row) |
1,27x1,27 mm (Pitch between pins in one row 1,27 mm; Pitch between rows 1,27 mm for double row) |
1,27x2,54 mm (Pitch between pins in one row 1,27 mm; Pitch between rows 2,54 mm for double row) |
2,00x2,00 mm (Pitch between pins in one row 2,00 mm; Pitch between rows 2,00 mm for double row) |
2,54x2,54 mm (Pitch between pins in one row 2,54 mm;
Pitch between rows 2,54 mm for double row) |
3,96 mm (Pitch between pins in one row 2,54 mm) |
5,08 mm (Pitch between pins in one row 2,54 mm) |